Soledad is the daughter of migrant farm workers who just wants to make friends. A girl in love with the stars she makes friends with the moon who helps her through her feelings of loneliness as her family moves from place to place.

This theater for young audiences production was put on by Brigham Young University’s (BYU) Young Company, a group that takes theater productions (one contemporary play, and one adapted Shakespeare play make up each season) to local schools as an educational outreach for the BYU Department of Theater & Media Arts. This production had a 2 week run in the Nelke Theater at BYU before being taken out on tour to local elementary schools and public libraries. The director wanted to put an emphasis on Soledad’s Latin-X heritage and her dreams.

The main part of the sound design was seen in the music used for this show. Because of Soledad’s heritage, I wanted to use traditional music from that region of the world, and through research we found the traditional tune “Des Colores” which we adapted as underscoring to go under various scenes and help articulate Soledad’s emotions.

Photo Credit- Beau Pearson

“Walking Home From School” – Variation of “Des Colores” (Guitarist: Caleb Plewe)

Another factor kept in mind while choosing music was our target audience. This show was going to be presented to school children grades 3-6, and as such, I wanted to include music they may recognize or connect to. The director and I had discussed the need for a theme for the character of Luna, the moon. I landed on the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to use as the theme, a song most kids grow up with.

Luna’s Entrance – “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” (Guitarist: Caleb Plewe)